Enumerator |
SW_ERROR_PINS_MUST_BE_ON_SAME_PORT | Pins must be on the same microcontroller part (e.g. PORTA, PORTB, etc.). See datasheet of micro for port assignments.
SW_ERROR_ASCII_NUMBER_TOO_BIG_16 | A number bigger than 65535 was provided to convert to a 16 bit value.
SW_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PIN_MODE | A Pin mode was indicated that is not avaialble on this model or version of Serial Wombat chip.
SW_ERROR_RESET_STRING_INCORRECT | A Packet starting with 'R' was received but didn't have the correct following bytes to cause a reset.
SW_ERROR_INVALID_COMMAND | The first byte of a received packet does not correspond with a command supported by this model of Serial Wombat chip.
SW_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE | There was not sufficient space in the queue or user area to complete the command.
SW_ERROR_WUB_COUNT_GT_4 | A count greater than 4 was provided as a number of bytes to write to count user buffer.
SW_ERROR_WUB_INVALID_ADDRESS | An attempt to write to a user buffer address outside the user buffer was attempted.
SW_ERROR_WUB_CONTINUE_OUTOFBOUNDS | A call to Write User Buffer Continue would have written out of bounds.
SW_ERROR_RF_ODD_ADDRESS | Addresses Read From Flash must be even.
SW_ERROR_FLASH_WRITE_INVALID_ADDRESS | An attempt to write or erase flash was made to a protected or non-existant area.
SW_ERROR_INVALID_PIN_COMMAND | The pin command 0xC1, 0xC2, etc is not suported by this pin mode (May vary by model)
SW_ERROR_PIN_CONFIG_WRONG_ORDER | The called pin command 0xC1, 0xC2 was called before other required prior commands (e.g. 0xC0)
SW_ERROR_WS2812_INDEX_GT_LEDS | The command references an index that is greater or equal to the number of leds.
SW_ERROR_PIN_NOT_CAPABLE | The commanded pin does not have the hardware support to perform the commanded pin mode.
SW_ERROR_HW_RESOURCE_IN_USE | The requested hardware or software resource in use has already been exclusively claimed by another pin.
SW_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_3 | The pin configuration parameter in Byte 3 was invalid.
SW_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_4 | The pin configuration parameter in Byte 4 was invalid.
SW_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_5 | The pin configuration parameter in Byte 5 was invalid.
SW_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_6 | The pin configuration parameter in Byte 6 was invalid.
SW_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER_7 | The pin configuration parameter in Byte 7 was invalid.
SW_ERROR_PIN_NUMBER_TOO_HIGH | The pin number indicated was greater than the greatest avaialable pin.
SW_ERROR_PIN_IS_COMM_INTERFACE | The pin number indicated is currently being used for Serial Wombat protocol communicaitons.
SW_ERROR_ANALOG_CAL_WRONG_UNLOCK | The unlock value provided to write analog calibration was incorrect.
SW_ERROR_2ND_INF_WRONG_UNLOCK | The unlock value provided to enable the 2nd interface was incorrect.
SW_ERROR_2ND_INF_UNAVAILABLE | The 2nd interface hardware was not avaialble to claim.
SW_ERROR_UART_NOT_INITIALIZED | A UART operation was requested but the UART was not intialized.
SW_ERROR_CMD_BYTE_1 | Byte 1 of the command was invalid.
SW_ERROR_CMD_BYTE_2 | Byte 2 of the command was invalid.
SW_ERROR_CMD_BYTE_3 | Byte 3 of the command was invalid.
SW_ERROR_CMD_BYTE_4 | Byte 4 of the command was invalid.
SW_ERROR_CMD_BYTE_5 | Byte 5 of the command was invalid.
SW_ERROR_CMD_BYTE_6 | Byte 6 of the command was invalid.
SW_ERROR_CMD_BYTE_7 | Byte 7 of the command was invalid.
SW_ERROR_CMD_UNSUPPORTED_BAUD_RATE | invalid baud rate enumeration
SW_ERROR_TM1637_WRONG_MODE | The TM1637 pin is configured for the wrong TM1637 mode to process the command.
SW_ERROR_RUB_INVALID_ADDRESS | An attempt to read user buffer address outside the user buffer was attempted.